Community Tourism Planning

Tourism is an increasingly significant contributor to local economic growth. Our communities are turning to tourism as an opportunity for economic diversification and job creation. More and more, the retention of businesses and services in many communities throughout the region depends upon visitor spending.

Central Counties Tourism believes that the Community Tourism Planning process can be a catalyst for community residents and leaders who are interested in exploring opportunities available to their communities through tourism. Compelling visitors to travel to a destination to spend their hard-earned disposable income requires a coordinated effort between the stakeholders who have the products/places people want to experience, and the supporting organizations like the municipalities, DMOs, Central Counties Tourism, and industry associations who can help the stakeholders build their capacity and achieve success.

Developing and implementing a Community Tourism Plan will provide a unified road map for coordinated tourism growth for the municipality and its stakeholders.  It will be built from the bottom up, relying on the expertise of tourism stakeholders, residents, and municipal staff to identify and prioritize both the assets that set the community apart and the gaps that need to be filled to achieve success. The end result will be a relevant, usable, and implementable document that will have achievable action items and attainable KPI’s. 

To learn more about starting a Community Tourism Plan in your area, please contact your region’s Industry Relation Manager.

For communities located outside of the Central Counties/RTO6 region, please contact our Executive Director, Chuck Thibeault, at for more information.


Central Counties is located North of Toronto


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Chuck Thibeault

Executive Director, Chuck Thibeault