Geofencing Research Tool

As an additional research tool for the Visitor Research Program, geofencing can provide a deeper understanding of your customers through mobility data.

By creating specific geofences (a virtual geographic boundary around a particular area), you will be provided an accurate estimate of the number of people that entered the area within your specified timeframe, where they came from, the average number of times locals vs non-locals visited, and important information about the behaviours of your predominant visitors.  The numbers are determined based on cell phone data collected from people above the age of 15 that have their location services enabled which is then filtered through a weighted statistical model with proper sample size.

Geofence data captures the number of unique visitors, the number of trips made by those visitors, the distance they travelled from their Common Evening Location (aka their home), and provides an analysis of these cell phone holders over a specific time period. Geofencing is useful for businesses that can’t collect postal data for various reasons, e.g., at public beaches/parks, free festivals/events, specific sections of a downtown core, a grouping of various businesses, or simply a lack of extra resources needed to collect postal codes. Geo-fencing data will validate who your customers are based on real data, without guessing or depending on anecdotal stories.

Learn more about the Geo-fencing Research Tool

Geofence Research Example Contact Tom Guerquin


Central Counties is located North of Toronto


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Executive Director, Chuck Thibeault